
Who Are Good Candidates For Gynecomastia Surgery?

Submitted by: Anne C. Smith

Gynecomastia is a condition where males of any age develop female breasts. This is one condition that can easily crush someone s self-esteem which is why a lot of those affected are looking for the fastest way to get rid of it. Gynecomastia surgery is known to be an aggressive treatment that will certainly flatten the chest in a much shorter time compared to other measures. Unfortunately as much as this method holds to be very promising not everyone can be cleared for it.

So who then are the appropriate gynecomastia surgery patients? Read on and learn if you can have a chance at surgical relief.

Due to the invasive nature of the procedure, doctors have to screen patients to prevent putting them at greater risk for complications.

If you have any pre-existing health conditions, the doctor would have to assess you first to see if it significantly affect their safety. Heart problems, pulmonary issues and other chronic diseases would usually override a person s candidacy for surgery.


A person with diabetes is also considered a high risk patient because of the possibility that he would not heal properly. Therefore it makes them more vulnerable to infection and scarring.

However, in some cases if the surgeon sees to it that this can be stabilized through a close collaboration with the patient s primary care physician, surgery could be possible. But this occurs only in rare occasions.

Age is also a factor when it comes to becoming a good candidate for gynecomastia surgery. For younger males who are struck with gynecomastia, particularly those from infancy to puberty (teenage years), the condition usually resolves when they reach their twenties. This is due to the fact that the condition could be triggered by the highly unstable which is characteristic at this age. That is one of the reasons why surgeons would not immediately advise males at this age to go through surgery.

But there are also cases where teenagers can undergo gynecomastia surgery, and that is made possible only after a thorough evaluation is conducted by the surgeon.

A person s weight is also a determinant for his candidacy for gynecomastia surgery. Since the end result of the procedure is also largely dependent on the person s weight, surgeons advise patients that prior to surgery they should be able to stabilize their weight first. They can do this through a strict and healthy diet, as well as regular exercise.

Adding to that, surgeons would operate on patients who are within the 25-30% of their ideal body weight. Also, performing surgery on obese patients are not only risky, but it also creates poor aesthetic results.

An ideal gynecomastia surgery patient is also someone who does not smoke or drink alcohol. If you are into such vices, and desperately want to get rid of your man boobs, you should stop these at least four weeks before the surgery. The reason behind it is that substances that are present in cigarettes and alcohol can negatively affect the blood resulting in poor oxygenation and poor wound healing.

A person should also have realistic expectations about the procedure. This means that they recognize the fact that it can remove their man boobs but it takes a considerable amount of time before final results can be observed. They must also know that they also have to do some dieting and exercise to maintain the results of the surgery.

When all these factors are ironed out, the surgeon could very well put you on schedule!

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