
How To Market To The Apathetic Among Us

Submitted by: Scott Lindsay

Some people believe that America has entered a state of apathy. They may be right.

We live in a world that allows a GPS device on your dash to lead you to your destination. We have cell phones that allow you to stay in contact with others virtually anywhere you go. Mobile devices keep you in touch with the World Wide Web. You can read ebooks on the subway. You can order food online. Isn t all this cause for celebration?

One thing is sure this dynamic has changed the way online marketing should take place. We live in such an on demand world that some practices used even a few years ago are less effective as people view the marketing effort as inconvenient to their personal schedule.

Take email marketing for example. People have become so jaded by spam and so enamored by personal decision-making they have almost zero tolerance for messages they didn t authorize. If you send email marketing without the permission of the recipient you are using a failed marketing system.


As the culture shifts to believing they can have it all on demand the shift in marketing strategies has to mirror that trend. What strategies do you currently have in place that fits with this idea?

Consider the following. There are several sites that provide television and movies online at no cost. They can be downloaded by users and viewed anytime they want. To the consumer this is brilliant, but in order to pay for the content viewers must subject themselves to advertising.

A television spot will show between segments and they must be allowed to run all the way through before the show will return. If the viewer is motivated to watch the content they will need to accept the condition of the occasional commercial.

In your online marketing efforts you will need to remember that apathetic customers will search in an on-demand way for information they are interested in at any given moment. If you ve approached Search Engine Optimization (SEO) correctly then you will realize there is a correlation between content and search rankings. If their search allows them to find your page you will need to provide enough information to keep them from immediately using the back button on their browser. The motivation to stay will likely be in what you provide.

It could be we have lost a sense of awe in the pursuit of fulfilling personal life demands, but you can minimize the apathy in potential customers by simply altering how you develop your website and what information you add.

Apathy is just one of many atmospheres that can alter the way you do business. Apathetic people will still buy products and services. They might even be more prone to impulse buys if they feel it will provide any sense of excitement or fun.

Adapt your online marketing strategies to meet this customer and you may ultimately find that you can also reach out to others who may genuinely appreciate (instead of expect) the information you provide. When you look at it from that point of view this may be a more universal and appreciated form of marketing than you might have expected.

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